Navigate 2016: Leveraging Your Network
At the Leverage Global Partners Navigate Retreat, CEO Amy Updegrove talked network growth strategies with partners from around the country and around the globe in the ‘Leveraging Your Network’ session.
Participants learned new follow-up strategies for incorporating technology and marketing into their networking efforts in order to maximize those relationships and leverage their existing connections.
Valerie Mitchener (Broker-in-Charge/Owner, HM Properties) in Charlotte, North Carolina described her company’s core strength is focused on relocation:
“Our goal [in relocation] is to reach out to develop the relationship but to actually meet the people that we’re developing those relationships with, which a lot of people don’t do--especially across country and across state. It is so much better when people can put a face to the name and have that personal connection.”
Sean McLaughlin (Real Estate Sales Director, Nanuku Fiji) described his company’s strength in pursuing partnerships, particularly leveraging his Leverage Partner relationships:
“Partnerships are only as strong as people using them… I want to say, ‘you have people in your sphere of influence who are surfers or want an exotic getaway and why not get paid a commission to introduce those people to me because you have that relationship?’ That is still protecting your home base because you’re still servicing the client in front of you who is ultimately going to look at you as more of a professional and say ‘I can go to this guy for anything.' It’s a function of reaching out to people and knowing that broker so that you can have those conversation when the right time comes.”
Watch the full session of Leveraging Your Network here >